Winter light

9. Dec, 2016

Who needs summer when the best light ever is in the few weeks before and after Christmas. There are so many advantages it's hard to know where to start, the sun is so low that you could shoot all day and, weather permitting get fantastic results. For me the other main plus is that sunrise and sunset are both at a more civilized time of day. I love sunrise, but find the unsociable hours in the summer months interfere with the rest of my schedule. Like most people I have other commitments, so fitting early mornings in has to be on a free day, there is so much time in the middle wasted, mainly because I hate the heat, and the shadows are to harsh.

Winter is my time, I love the cold frosty mornings, rough seas and bare trees and the perfect light. I don't mind getting cold and always feel rewarded for the effort. Photography is a fantatic way of keeping me grounded, especially when other parts of my life are complicated. The peace and tranquillity of being out when most other people are at home in the warm is worth frozen fingers and toes. Then on wet days I can relive the memories whilst editing.

This year I have been using Lee filters to get extra movement in sky or soften the waves, I love the atmospheric results I am getting, but still need to practice. Oh well it look like more freezing my extremities, and hours of solitude.

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Remembering the Somme

18. Nov, 2016

On a recent trip to Bristol Cathedral I was lucky enough to see the amazing commemoration for the Battle of the Somme which ended 100 years ago today. Each of the shrouds represents one of the soldiers who fell on the first day of the battle. Over 19,000 small figures lay in rows, it is an unimaginably moving sight that really brings to life the sacrifices made by so many on all sides.

Whilst out and about with my camera I often come across the unexpected, even on planned expeditions things often surprise or move me. This was one of those times, I knew the shrouds were there, but still found the reality more powerful than I imagined, it is hard to capture that in an image. Making something speak to others is about choosing something instantly recognisable, every one associates poppies with remembrance, so I made this my focus point. The rest is up to the viewer. 

Portfolio Update

11. Oct, 2016

After a busy summer I am starting to put together a more definate schedule for the next two years. I will be visiting as many of the cathedrals in Britain as I can, as well as churches, abbeys and ruins. This will give me the variety I need to put together as exhibition in roughly two years. 

I know this sounds like a long time, but there are so many places scattered around the country that I still might not get to them all in the next two years. I have made a good start over the last few months, taking advantage of holidays and arranging days out has added to my portfolio. All I need to do is keep the momentum going! As I visit new places I will continue to add them to my page, so expect fairly regular updates from all over the place. 

Planning For The Future

28. Jun, 2016

I have finally had my results, I am glad to say I had the mark I hoped for, a 2.1. As I had a couple of terms in the middle where my health was not the best, this was a great personal achievement. Now I have had a few days to recover I am starting to make plans for the next couple of years. I am intending to carrry on with my multiple exposures, so that I have a portfolio of images that I can display.

I also want to look at exhibition spaces, as many churches are no longer used for regular worship, often they are used in other ways. Quite a few use the space for locals to display handicrafts, or hire out areas for artists. This seems to be a logical place for me to start showing my work, as they are mainly church interiors at present.

I still have to make time for my landscape as I find this broadens my opportunities, and although the two don't seem compatible, they work well together. The church photography is mainly a summer occupation as some of the smaller parish churches are mainly open during the summer months. Most of my best landscape is done in the winter, or early morning and later at night.

For the foreseable future I think I will be busier than ever, I am looking forward to an exciting and challenging time, doing something I love.

Finding ways to strengthen your brand

6. Apr, 2016

As I move toward setting up my own business after I graduate I am looking at ways of marketing my work in a way that gives a clear message about my style and vision. This means keeping the different strands that my work might follow separate. I love landscape and travel photography and hope to follow this path. I also enjoy taking shots of architecture in weird ways, the two don't really work well together, so it seems a good idea to have at least two completely different sites to market the work. Hopefully this will lead to stronger branding. Thinking about this I have make a start on creating business cards, stationary and sample packs all with the same style and logo to match. Each area of my work will have its own individuality and will be less confusing for any future customers. Although to start with this will involve quite a bit of work, I think that it will pay off in the end, only time will tell.